
About Us

Carlijn Hendriks

Know About Me

My name is Carlijn Hendriks. Graduated International Cidesco Make-up Artist, beautician, hairdresser, make-up artist, beauty and fashion coach and make-up artist.
A creative view, attention to detail and mastery of technology. That forms the basis for a perfect result. This allows me to give everyone the right look. Not only in my beauty salon do I want to be able to help everyone to make you shine, but also at home. My goal is to be able to provide everyone with affordable good products for your skin through this road! Most products on this site are Vegan and or based on natural products and ingredients.
For appointments in the Salon or more information about treatments etc. you can click on the button below.

Carlijn Hendriks

Skincare Tips

Know More About Your Skin
What Skin Type Do I Have?

What is your skin type? A difficult question. This sometimes seems like a complex and often confusing quest, but when you've finally found the answer, it feels like you've got the  Holy Grail  of skin care in your hands. The good news: it's actually not that hard at all if you know what to look for (and you can separate the myths from the facts). Fortunately, I can help you with that. Here's a quick guide to recognizing your skin type so you know exactly how to love your skin.


But first those myths. There are basically three skin types: dry skin, oily skin and combination skin. Other problems, such as acne and sensitive skin, can affect all skin types, but are (thankfully!) temporary. It is also possible that at some point you have a combination of different skin types and different problems. Now that you know this, you can better determine what skin type you have and which products suit it best.

Think you have dry skin?

This is what dry skin looks like

Dry skin is often flaky and cracked and may appear a little dull. Your pores are probably not really clearly visible (which is an advantage), but you can often see thin lines.

This is what dry skin feels like

Dry skin can be rough and often feels tight after cleansing. If you have dry skin, you are also more likely to develop sensitivity. How else can you recognize dry skin? A tight feeling (especially if you use the wrong cleanse!), flaking and the feeling that your serum only works for a few hours.

What Causes Dry Skin?

Healthy skin contains natural oils that keep the skin soft and supple and 'lubricate' the skin's barrier to keep moisture in and substances out. Do you have dry skin? Then your skin produces less oils than normal skin. Environmental factors such as wind, cold, pollution, and even warm air can sneakily (even more!) evaporate essential moisture from your skin, leaving it feeling dry, rough, and uncomfortable. 

This is how you take care of dry skin

You can't "cure" dry skin, but you can moisturize it and make it look better. Use moisturizing products with ingredients like geranium oil, glycerin, shea butter, alantoin and vitamin E, all ingredients that can nourish and moisturize your skin. Dry skin naturally loves moisture, so opt for oils and richer, more intensive serums.

Think you have oily skin?

This is what oily skin looks like

A shiny surface (especially in the T-zone and on your chin), enlarged pores and pimples are all signs of oily skin. And your makeup may start to fade by lunchtime.

This is what oily skin feels like

Oily skin actually feels greasy, but never tight or dry (which is another advantage).

What Causes Oily Skin?

Our skin contains natural (good!) oils that keep the skin supple and soft and also keep the lipid barrier in good condition. When our sebaceous glands go bust, for example due to strong changes in humidity, our hormones and even stress, they produce extra oils that can clog the pores and make the skin shine.

This is how you take care of oily skin

Be careful with super-rich oils and serums and choose a lighter serum instead. Consider an oil cleanser to counteract the shine (really!). That may sound contradictory, but oil-based cleansing is the best cleansing for greasy skin because: oil attracts oil. So when you massage cleansing oil into your skin, it draws in excess oils and impurities without stripping moisture from your skin.
This restores the balance of the oils in the skin and greatly reduces the oily appearance of the skin.
So a win-win situation for your oily skin!

Think you have combination skin?

This is what combination skin looks like

If you have combination skin, chances are your T-zone skin is oily, but you have dry patches on your cheeks. The pores on your nose may be larger than those on your cheeks.

This is what combination skin feels like

Although your T-zone feels oily, your cheeks may feel dry, flaky, and tight.

What is the cause of combination skin?

Combination skin simply means that your skin has two or more structures. The pores on your nose, chin and forehead are usually overactive (hence the shine), while the pores on your cheeks are less active and can feel dry. Some serums can clog the pores, causing these phenomena. The sun, stress and too little exercise can also be the culprits.

This is how you take care of combination skin

It may seem like you are doubly unlucky, but combination skin is very easy to care for without having to spend hours in the bathroom. The trick? Combine products for your different skin types or choose products that are suitable for both skin types.

Moreover, only apply products where they are needed.
For example: Apply an intensive Serum only to dry areas and consider a deep cleansing mask for the oilier areas to prevent constipation.

How old you are is your business, how young you look is my business.

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